Investment and Centrifugal Casting for Precision and Strength
At Control Plastics, we specialize in producing high-precision components through investment and centrifugal casting, delivering exceptional quality and durability for critical applications. From intricate, complex geometries to high-strength, wear-resistant parts, our advanced casting processes ensure consistent results tailored to industries like aerospace, energy, and medical. Using a wide range of alloys, we create parts with superior dimensional accuracy, excellent surface finishes, and outstanding structural integrity. Trust us to provide cost-effective, reliable casting solutions that meet your exact specifications.
Investment Casting (A.K.A. “Lost Wax Casting”)
Investment casting allows design flexibility and complexity with thin, fine-detailed, and accurate parts; as well as heavier, thicker-walled, or larger parts.
At Control Plastics we pride ourselves in producing a detailed up-front analysis to help optimize the parts and tooling before we commence the investment casting process.
We look forward to helping you with Your investment casting and centrifugal casting needs.
Industries Served include: Medical, Industrial, Consumer Goods, Electronics, Robotics and More.
The Process: (This is one of Humanity’s oldest manufacturing processes.)
- Create a wax pattern of the part.
- This is typically injection-molded wax (“Lost Wax”). But the pattern can even be 3-D printed for smaller production, or on the basis of complexity.
- Attach a number of the wax patterns to a central filling channel ( sprue, runners- similar to injection molding) this is called the “tree”.
- Create the tree.
- Melt the wax out. This leaves a hollow shell. Pour the molten metal into the preheated “mold”.
- Normally this is a gravity pour. (vacuum or pressure assist can be used when needed)
- After the parts are cooled, the shell is broken off.
- Parts are separated from the
tree, and any secondary processing (if necessary) is completed.
- Thick or thin-walled metal parts (ranging from .060 inch to .8 inch)
- Typical metals for investment casting include ferrous alloys (inclusive of tool steels, cast irons, Stainless steels) copper alloys, aluminum alloys, and high-temperature alloys
- Parts are high-strength
- Lost Wax Cast Parts can be quite complex, and often require very little, if any, secondary operations. However, secondary operations and finishing are readily available when needed.
- Tolerances depend upon part size. (We subscribe to industry standards)
- Tighter tolerances are also possible in some instances
- No parting lines, gating marks, ejector marks are present on the parts
- Parts can range from just under an ounce to weighing over 100 pounds (45.34 kg)
- Typically, cast finishes range from 64- 125 micro-inches